Gun Handling Safety Rules
1. Always treat every firearm as if it were loaded.
2. Never point a firearm at anything you don’t intend to shoot.
3. Always keep your finger straight and off the trigger until ready to shoot.
4. Always keep the firearm on safe until ready to shoot.
5. Always be sure of the foreground and background of your intended target.
6. Always keep the firearm unloaded until ready to use.
7. Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction.
8. Always be sure your firearm is safe to operate.
9. Always know how to safely use the firearm you are going to shoot.
10. Always use only the correct ammunition for your firearm.
11. Never use alcohol or drugs before or during shooting any firearm.
12. Always wear ear and eye protection when using firearms.
13. Always store guns so they are not accessible to unauthorized persons.
NOTE: These safety rules apply to use of all AGAC gun ranges. Many shooting events / activities will require additional safety precautions.
Ashland Gun & Archery Club General Range Rules
1. AGAC is open for shooting at 8:00 am weekdays and 9:00 am weekends. Shooting ends at 8:00 pm or legal sunset, (Medford) whichever is earlier. The sunset times are clearly posted on the bulletin board at the gate and in every shooting station. Shooting outside of these hours is prohibited. These hours apply to archery as well.
2. No alcohol or drugs will be consumed on AGAC property. No one under the influence shall enter AGAC property.
3. All people using the range, including guests, must sign in upon arrival at any shooting station they intend to use. All guests must be accompanied by an adult AGAC member.
4. Minors (under 18) must be under the direct supervision (same bay) of the AGAC adult member who brought them while they are at the AGAC range.
5. Eye and ear protection is mandatory in all active shooting areas.
6. The wildlife at AGAC is protected and must not be harassed, menaced, or harmed. Hunting on AGAC property is prohibited. Do not shoot at varmints.
7. Directives of AGAC Range Safety Officers are to be followed immediately; safety is all important.
8. Respect all “CLOSED” signs and ropes or cones that restrict access. During special events or shooting venues, certain areas of the range are closed. These restrictions are in place for a reason. No violations will be tolerated.
9. All firearms, except holstered pistols, will be maintained in an unloaded condition except when pointed down range and on the firing line. All actions will remain open except when the firearm is in use. However, holstered pistols are considered safe and may be loaded, but loaded pistols shall not be drawn until the shooter is on the firing line and ready to shoot.
10. There are red beeping lights on the back wall of the rifle range shooting area, to be turned on when someone goes downrange. If you see a red light or hear the beeps, always assume someone is down range until you have traveled downrange and checked behind all of the backstops and are positive the entire downrange area is unoccupied.
11. When anyone is downrange from any shooting station, all actions must be open, except for holstered pistols, and there is to be no handling of any firearm.
12. All firearms except holstered pistols, will be unloaded when changing from range to range or when moving on the firing line of any range.
13. Be sure of your target and backstop. This should be a primary consideration in the setup and placement of your intended targets. No ricochets and no shots over a backstop!